Royal Far West School

Telephone02 9977 2452

Teaching resources

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Resources to support writing, reading and comprehension


We recommend that if possible any reading or writing text is also accessible in an electronic format. Using technology allows for easy adjustments and accessibility functions.


Making adjustments 1


To help adjust your programs/curriculum (PDF 1433KB), units and lessons you can get an overview here in this powerpoint from BOSTES. 

program builder

Making adjustments 2: using program builder 

Write your adjustments straight into BOSTES Program Builder.

Once you have at your individual students PLP s (personal learning plans) you can make embedded adjustments right from the beginning of Term 1.

Keep on adjusting your adjustments! Don't worry if something isn't working. Talk with parents and other staff and try something else.

Making adjustments 3: sample units with adjustments

Here are some sample units of work with adjustments written in.


Students often demonstrate significant difficulties planning, writing and revising text.

Some students may have difficulty communicating ideas, events and experiences because of a limited repertoire of spoken and written English. 

They may have expressive and receptive language difficulties. Others may have difficulties with the ‘mechanical' aspects of writing, such as handwriting, punctuation and spelling.

writing and spelling

Writing and spelling strategies: assisting students who have additional support needs 

This is still an invaluable booklet that can give both primary and secondary teachers in all disciplines hands on ideas for addressing learning difficulties and supporting students writing and spelling.

  • Modelled writing
  • Guided writing
  • Scaffolds
  • Graphic organisers
  • Developing word knowledge
  • Sentence support
  • Spelling support
text help

Texthelp Read&Write software

Read&Write makes the web, documents and files more accessible. It's a friendly, intuitive toolbar that assists students at all levels with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work.  Multiplatform for ipad, google chrome, Mac, PC, etc. 

scaffolding strategies

Using scaffolds and writing frames

Here are  are just a few examples of resources to support struggling children to write

Primary Non-Fiction Frames (PDF 785KB)

A range of blank non-fiction scaffolds with instructions and examples.

Story Writing Display Pack (PDF 2625KB)Great visuals and colour coded cards for story settings, characters, objects,   titles,beginnings, middles and endings. High interest for both girls and boys.

Clicker iteracy difficulties. an app that supports students to construct sentences with whole words. it is available for computers, laptops or on the ipad.

reading child



At the Royal Far West we only recommend reading programs that are shown to be effective using evidence based research.

word attack

MultiLit word attack reading tutor program

The MultiLit Reading Tutor Program (RTP) caters for students who have not acquired the basic skills needed to become functional readers.  Children who have failed to learn to read in the first few years of schooling need intensive, systematic reading instruction if they are not to fall further behind, or even become complete non-readers.


MultiLit word attack extension program

"The Word Attack Skills Extension Program is particularly suited to students who have finished the Reading Tutor Program but still need help, as well as older students who have learnt basic decoding skills but are finding it hard to improve their reading to a level where they can access the more academic demands of the curriculum.


MultiLit Extension Program Resources


InitiaLit whole-class instruction 

InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program which will provide all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school (typically Foundation to Year 2). InitiaLit–Foundation will be released in 2017, InitiaLit–1 in 2018 and InitiaLit–2 in 2019.
The release of InitiaLit marks a departure from remedial literacy education for MultiLit, instead addressing initial instruction in the hope that by providing strong foundations in reading and writing from the outset, fewer children will fall behind and require more intensive intervention. In the context of a Response to Intervention approach, InitiaLit is a Tier 1 program, designed to be delivered to whole classes by classroom teachers.